Picture of the project hero image and wireframes


This pet project has the player embark on a strategic journey in a whimsical 2D RTS game where feline factions vie for supremacy against rival dog packs. Gather resources, build armies, and complete dynamic objectives to conquer the battlefield. Master planning and resource management to dominate the canine-ruled world.


Game Developer & Designer — Game Mechanics Design, Resource Management Systems, UI/UX Design, Art and Sound Integration, Testing and Debugging, Project Management


04/'24 - 05/'24

Picture of Unit Creation and Management

Unit Creation and Management

Players recruit and command various feline units, each with distinct abilities and roles, and manage their deployment and movement on the battlefield.

Picture of the resource gathering mechanic

Resource Gathering

Players gather resources such as catnip, fish, and yarn to fuel their faction's growth and expansion.

Picture of the unit traits and strategy mechanic

Unit Traits and Strategy

Players utilise units with distinct traits, strengths, and weaknesses, employing strategic matchups akin to rock-paper-scissors to outmaneuver and defeat their opponents.

brightness_1Character Design
Picture of the character design
Picture of the character design
Picture of the character design
Picture of the character design
Picture of the character design
Picture of the character design
brightness_1Final Product
Gif of the combat kiting mechanic in action
Gif of movement and combat mechanics
Gif of resource gathering
Gif of fog of war mechanic
brightness_1Key Takeaways
Picture of the key takeaways from the project
This being my first time creating a game, I faced numerous challenges, from technical difficulties with Unreal Engine to managing version control and assets. Each obstacle required me to find creative solutions, like switching to Godot for ease of use and incorporating Git LFS for asset management. Despite moments of doubt and frustration, this experience taught me the significance of staying resilient and flexible. The lessons learned through this process have been invaluable, and I am proud of the progress I have made, both in developing the game and in growing my own skills.