Picture of the project hero image and wireframes


How might we use Artificial Intelligence to recommend destinations and ancillary services to customers during the flight booking process, based on their profiles and preferences?


Our project used TensorFlow Recommenders A.I., which considers user-profiles and preferences to recommend activities, accommodations and other ancillary services to users post flight booking. We aimed to leverage our A.I. recommendation system to create a stickier ecosystem and ultimately increase the revenue streams to the Singapore Airlines Group.


Back-End Developer & UI/UX Lead — Problem Analysis, Solution Development, Interaction Design, Visual Design, Rapid Prototyping, Concept Testing, Business Strategy


1st Place - Singapore Airlines App Challenge 2022


07/'22 - 08/'22

Picture of the wireframe for the unique booking experience

Your unique booking experience

Our app serves users personalised activities/ services with just a few taps on their smartphone

Picture of the wireframe for the itinerary at a glance

Your itinerary at a glance

Stay organised and on top of schedules by viewing their upcoming reservations in one convenient location

Picture of the wireframe for the rating system

Tell others what you think

Not only can users express their opinions, but it also helps others make informed decisions by rating their experience

Picture of the project approach and thought process
Picture of the project architecture and tech stack
brightness_1Design Guide
Picture of the project font design
Middle Yellow
Lemon Chiffon
Dark Jungle Green
brightness_1Final Product
Picture of the final product
brightness_1Key Takeaways
Picture of the key takeaways from the project
In my role as a UI/UX designer and developer, I introduced a new workflow where we created prototype wireframes early in the process before diving into development. This change significantly cut down the time needed to build our minimal viable product (MVP). It taught me the value of early-stage design and how crucial it is to align development with UI/UX to ensure a seamless and user-friendly product.